Getting Started

Kailona is an extensible, customizable and secure platform for your private electronic health records (EHR). It is available as Nextcloud application.

It helps you to organize, manage and visualize your behavioral and health data such as activities, vital signs, blood pressure, etc. powered by the awesome features of HIPAA and GDPR compliant Nextcloud.


Kailona requires a FHIR server to store your health data in a well-known standard for interoperability.

The following steps will install Kailona in your Nextcloud:

  1. Setup a FHIR Server in the same or different host of your Nextcloud, as instructed here.

  2. Navigate to Apps, choose the category Organization, find the EHR (Electronic Health Records) app and enable it in your Nextcloud.

  3. Navigate to Settings, select EHR (Electronic Health Records) under Admin settings on the left menu and configure the FHIR server credentials in your Nextcloud.

  4. Open the EHR app from the top app menu.


You can configure Kailona with any SSL-enabled FHIR server supporting HTTP Basic Authentication.

In your Nextcloud, Navigate to Settings, select EHR (Electronic Health Records) under Administration on the left menu and configure your FHIR server credentials.

  • Base URL: The base url with a trailing slash of your SSL-enabled FHIR server
  • Username: The username to authenticate with your SSL-enabled FHIR server
  • Password: The password to authenticate with your SSL-enabled FHIR server

FHIR Server Configuration


Kailona currently supports only HTTP Basic Authentication, so make sure that you use HTTPS in your FHIR server base url for security purposes!